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06/03 21:20:38

Choose the correct answers to complete the passage

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Ex7. Choose the correct answers to complete the passage.
Physical activity is the (1)____________ obvious benefit of sports participation. Children
video games. But sports
often spend too much time watching television or (2)
practices and games provide an opportunity for exercise that can help keep kids in shape
and (3)
Sports participation can help children develop social skills that will benefit them
their entire lives. They learn to interact not only with other children their age,
also with older individuals in their coaches and sports officials. Kids learn
leadership skills, team-building skills and communication skills that will help
school, their future (6)
them in
and personal relationships.
1. a. more
2. a. doing
3. a. healthy
4. a. for
b. much
b. playing
b. wealthy
b. on
c. most
c. paying
c. happy
c. at
d. least
d. watching
d. funny
d. throughout
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