Vinh Nguyen | Chat Online
23/03/2024 15:54:50

Complete the sentences with the words below

Giúp tôi với 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
7. Laura is
8. Betty and Katherine are Jonathan's and father.
Exercise 11: Complete the sentences with the words below.
MP3 player
mobile phone
chewing gum
1. I've got.....
for my house and my moped.
2. My sister's got fifty-two contracts on her
3. Peter's got a lot of songs on his ......
4. I've got two
5. Lily's got two
6. Karl's got a packet of.
of my boyfriend.
in her bag.
......... in his bag.
Exercise 12: Complete the sentences with There is or There are.
a packet of tissues in my bag.
a hairbrush in my room.
two pencils on my desk.
an inhaler in my bag.
fifty-two songs on my MP3 player.
two packets of chewing gum in my bag.
Exercise 13: Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then wri
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