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02/04/2024 12:59:39

Change the sentences into the reported speech

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
E6: Change the sentences into the reported speech.
Question 1: Mr Jones was very sad and said "All this rubbish is killing fish and other sea creatures."
Question 2: "We can clean the beach together." said Nick.

Question 3: "I'll ask our friends and neighbours to come and help us" Mary said to them.
Question 4: "I'm so happy to hear that, children" Mr Jones said to his children.

Question 5: Tony said "The disposal of untreated sewage in rivers and oceans leads to water pollution."

Question 8: Linda said "Environmental pollution is an impact of human activities on the environment."
Question 9: Mr Jones gave the people gloves and said to them: "Protect yourselves from germs."
Question 10: Nam said, "The environment is severely affected by pollution."
Question 11: Mai said, "The burning of fossil fuels leads to air pollution."

Question 12: Peter said, "Intensive insecticide and pesticide sprays in agriculture make the soil contaminated."
Question 13: "It's confusing because there are too many web pages about the environment" Nam said.
Question 14: "Air pollution is one of the causes of the greenhouse effect" scientists said.
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