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03/04 17:03:48

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

Chỉ em với mọi người
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
7. In humid days, you use a s
15 pln dryer 1
to make your wet clothes dry.
8. Penthouse is the highest floor of a building.
9. MOTor home is a vehicle that is designed as a house.
is a block of apartments.
Exercise 5. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.
1. When will they finish the
2. Many reports talked a lot about the
3. She would love to have a bed that
of your house? (DECORATE)
makes itself every morning. (AUTOMATIC)
and beautiful house located by the sea.
4. Her imagination of a perfect home will be a quiet
5. Robots in the future house will be smart to make our lives as
6. The house is in beautiful
7. The
ordinary houses. (TECH)
as possible. (COMFORT)
in the future houses helps them make more efficient use of energy compared to
8. I think UFOs might be the
9. I haven't find a convenient
of people. (IMAGINE)
for the television. (LOCATE)
10. The modern appliance will control the
in the house. (TEMPER)
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