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03/04 21:29:20

Read the following passage and mark the letter

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
Yellowstone National Park is located in the western United States and is home to a diverse range of wildlife.
Probably for thousands of years, one species native to the area was the gray wolf. However, in the early
1900s, the park's wolf population was hunted and killed because they were seen as a threat to animals on the
farms around the park, although the wolves rarely left the park area. They were extinct by the 1920s.
However, in 1995, the park started a plan to reintroduce wolves to the area, a move that would have a huge
impact on the park's ecosystem. The plan involved capturing gray wolves from healthy populations in
Canada and reintroducing them into Yellowstone. Before the reintroduction, the population of elk, a kind of
deer, in the park was at an all-time high, and their eating habits had a very bad effect on the plant life.
With the wolves' return, the elk population began to decrease as the wolves killed them, allowing the plant
life to recover. This had a good effect on the rest of the ecosystem, as the increased plant life allowed for the
return of other species, such as beavers and songbirds.
The fact that wolves were now back in the park also led to changes in the behavior of other species, such as
coyotes and foxes, which began to avoid areas where wolves were present. This allowed small mammals
like rabbits and rodents to increase their populations in those areas, which in turn attracted the birds which
ate these creatures, like hawks and eagles.
The reintroduction of wolves is widely seen by ecologists as a success story for conservation efforts, as it
has helped to restore balance and diversity to the Yellowstone ecosystem. It has also been a valuable lesson
in the way that species are connected within an ecosystem and the importance of preserving biodiversity.
Farmers around the park are angry, however, that a threat has reappeared.
Question 30. What do we learn about gray wolves in paragraph 1?
A. The population in the park died of natural causes in the early 1900s.
B. It was not a native to the Yellowstone area.
C. They killed a lot of farm animals in the early 1900s.
D. People killed them to protect their cows, pigs, and chickens.
Question 31. What happened after 1995?
A. People brought gray wolves to live in the park again.
B. A new species of wolf appeared in the park.
C. The Yellowstone gray wolves returned to the park.
D. People introduced a new species of wolf to the park.
Question 32. Which of the following did NOT happen as a result of the reappearance of wolves in the park?
A. The ecosystem was damaged.
C. Plant life increased.
B. The elk population went down.
D. The songbird population rose.
Question 33. The word "which" in the third paragraph refer to
A. the mammals
C. the behavior
Question 34. What does "diversity" mean in the last paragraph?
A. variety
B. the birds
B. ordinary
Write the correct form of the given
Question 25
C. mystery
D. populations
D. species
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