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13/04 20:50:50

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 6

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
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Earth's climate and
5 How much of population will live in urban 2
by the year 20257
What should not be done with endangered species?
Read again and answer the questions.
Da Nang has a population of nearly 800,000 people. The Han River flows through the city. The city
t on the east bank is the newest and more spacious. The city part on the west bunk is more
There are five bridges across the river. The Han River Bridge is the newest one now. The
living in Da Nang is the lowest in Central Viet Nam. Da Nang has many beaches. Among
them, NonNuoc Beach is one of the beautiful beaches in the world. But walking in the street on a
mer aftemoon is not a good idea in Da Nang. There are not many trees so there are not many
shadows. It is often very hot at noon.
What is the population of Da Nang?
2. Which part of the city is more spacious?
3. Which part of the city is more crowed?
Which bridge is the newest?
5. What is Non Nuoc Beach like?
1. Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing the option A, B, C or D.
Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in danger. Many species
of animals are threatened, and could easily become extinct if we do not make an effort to protect
them. There are many reason for this. In some cases, animals are hunted for their fur or for other
valuable pasts of their bodies. Some birds, such as parrots, are caught alive, and sold as pets. For
the place where they live
many animals and birds, the problem is that their habitat
disappearing. More land is used for farms, for houses or industry, and there are fewer open spaces
than there once were. Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better crops, but these
chemicals polluter the environment and harm the wildlife. The most successful animals on earth
human beings-will soon be the only ones left, unless we can solve this problem.
1. What does the word extinct in line 2 mean?
A. dead
C. not in a place because of illness
2. The word this in line 3 refers to
A. wildlife
B. no longer in existence
D. suffering from a mental or physical handicap
B. danger
C. the fact that people are more aware that wildlife is in danger
D. the fact that many species of animals could easily become extinct
3. According to the passage, one of the reasons that people hunt animals is
A. They want their fur or other valuable parts of their bodies
B. they want to kill them
C. they consider this a sport
4. Which of the following is not true?
D. they want to sell them as pets
A. Human beings are the most successful animals on earth
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