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02/05 06:36:10

Choose the best answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
28. What is true about people in Venice?
A. They live in pretty castles.
B. Many people who live in Venice work in Mestre.
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C. They usually walk or use boats to go around.
29. Which is NOT mentioned as an activity for tourists in Venice?
A. Watching boat races.
B. Trying various local dishes.
C. Sitting in cafes and talking.
30. When is the best time for tourists to travel there?
A. at Easter
B. in February
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VI. Fill each blank with one suitable word by choosing A, B or C.
People need air to breathe. In order to keep us healthy, we need (31)
Air (33)
air. However, nowadays, (32)
lot of things in our lives create harmful gasses and make the air dirty, like factories, cars and motobikes.
is one of the worldwide alarming issues nowadays. It causes not only (34).
in people but also in plants and animals. It's our responsibility to keep the air (35).
31. A. clean
32. A. the
33. A. polluted
B. dirty
B. a
B. pollute
C. polluted
C. an
34. A. healthy
35. A. polluted
B. unhealthy
B. unpolluted
C. pollution
C. health
C. harmful
VII. Combine two sentences to make a complete sentence using and, but or so.
36. My sister can play volleyball well. She can't swim.
37. He stayed up late to finish his homework. He was sleepy.
38. Mary loves coffee. She goes to that coffee shop every weekend.
VIII. Rewrite these sentences without changing their meanings.
39. Don't read books in the dark. Your eyes will be ruined.
=> If
40. The A10 robot is 200 dollars. The A11 is 150 dollars. The A12 is 300 dollars.
=> The A11
among three robots.
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