Yệm Thư | Chat Online
03/05 20:05:28

Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VDI. If it isn't rainy tomorrow, we will go to Ha Noi.
Unless it is rainy tomorrow, we will go to Ha Noi.
VD2. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we will go to Ha Noi.
Unless it rains tomorrow, we will go to Ha Noi.
1. If she doesn't study hard, she will not pass the exam.
2. If they don't leave early, they will miss the bus.
3. If I am not busy tomorrow, I will come to your house.
4. If there aren't enough seats, we will put more chairs in this room.
5. If he doesn't pass his next exam, his parents won't buy him a laptop.
6. If you don't do exercises every day, you will be overweight.
7. If we are not ready now, we will be late for school.
8. If it is not sunny tomorrow, we will not go camping.
VD3. Study hard, or you will not pass the exam.
If you don't study hard, you will not pass the exam.
VD4. Be careful, or you will break this cup.
If you are not careful, you will break this cup.
1. Go to bed early, or you will get up late tomorrow.
2. Read the instruction carefully, or you will break this machine.
3. Be smart when using smart phones, or you will have troubles.
4. Eat less fast food, or you will get fat.
5. Watch less TV, or your eyes will be tired.
6. Do more exercises, or you will be ill.
7. Be honest, or you will be fined.
8. Be friendly to everyone, or you will not be loved.
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