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04/05 17:43:29

Read the wing passage and main the letter correct answer to each of the questions

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Read the wing passage and main the letter
correct answer to each of the questions.
Don your answer sheet to micate the
Global warming is said to be a culprit of many destructive natural damages. Many research shows that
glaciers in Antarctica and Greenland are melting quickly, which has a detrimental influence on ocean
currents. Cold lands are habitats of various polar mammals; therefore, ice melting means that their homeland
is shrinking in size, and they will be on the brink of extinction. Furthermore, scientists point out that the
global rising temperature results in the death of many coral reefs in many regions and the disappearance of
various kinds of fish. It is not to mention the fact that human life has also been threatened. Most
meteorologists and marine experts agree that the change of average heat worldwide links to the extensive
storms and hurricanes, and other naturally severe disasters happening around the planet. Recently, a
devastating tornado has badly torn a coastal state in the USA, killing at least 70 people and destroying a lot
of houses and infrastructure. The town mayor said that he had never seen such a violently tremendous natural
phenomenon before. Many European countries have also witnessed the rage of Mother Nature when they
have been hit by ferocious storms taking months to recover the local people's normal life. No one will know
exactly the future, but the worst scenario of the earth can be predictable for sure if humans continue treating
the environment as they are doing. Global warming is an emergency issue that should be resolved
1. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Disastrous results of global warming.
B. How bad humans are treating the earth.
C. The deadly storms and tornadoes occurred in many countries.
D. The reason why glaciers are melting.
2. The word "devastating" in the line 9 is closest in meaning to
A. suffering
B. damaging
C. conserving
D. polluting
3. According to the text, where has suffered badly in a destructive tornado lately?
A. A mountainous area in a European country
C. A central state in the USA
B. A coastal state in Canada
D. A seaside state in the USA
4. Without timely actions, the worst future of humans' life can be
A. solved immediately
B. seriously influenced C. certainly forecast D. surely avoided
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