minhojkoj mịkllj | Chat Online
06/05 19:46:40

Điền đúng sai

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. The children were playing soccer when they saw the strange object.
2. The flying saucer was disk-shaped.
3. The man saw two big green aliens in the park.
4. Tom was reading books when he heard the noise.
5. Tom was sure that he saw an alien with a huge head and three hands.
You will hear a teenager talking to a store assistant about a laptop. Listen and fill in the blanks. (1.0 point)
6. Good for: making presentation.
Name of laptop: Tiger Pro
7. Screen: 15 inches.
8. Battery life: 3 hours.
9. Storage: 1024 GB.|
10. Price: 520 dollars.
Bài tập chưa có câu trả lời nào. Rất mong nhận được trả lời của bạn! | Chính sách thưởng | Quy chế giải bài tập
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