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06/05 20:47:50

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Question 3: This time yesterday I _tennis with my classmates.
B. was playingC. had played D. would play
A. played
Question 4: Nicole
A. watched was
5: Mary
television a lot when she
sick last year.
B. had watched - had been C. was watching - was D. had been watching - was
home when she met Dave. A. came B. had come C. had been coming D. was coming
while I _a shower. A. was ringing - took B.rang - was taking
6: The doorbell
C. had rung - took
D. had been ringing - took
to be a pilot. A. wanted
7: When I was young, I
B. had wantedC. would want D. wants
8: The war _out three years ago. A. was breaking B. had broken C. broke D. have been breaking
9: When he was young, he
in the army. A. had been serving B. serves C. have served D. served
Question 10: She often goes to school by bike but yesterday she
A. travelled
Question 11: He
B. have been travelling C. had travelled
_a cup of coffee every morning many years ago.
B. drank C. had drunk
A. have been drinking
Question 12: Yesterday she
A. will offer
Question 13: There
wwwww wwww
A. had been
by bus.
D. travels
D. was drinking
to pay me for my helping her but I didn't accept.
C. had offered D. offered
B. was offering
a lot of grass in the garden last summer.
B. were
Question 14: It's time we
A. will do B. had done
C. have been D. will be
something to help him.
C. did D. was doing
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