Lê Phương Uyên | Chat Online
06/05 21:05:48

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
55. It was really kind
A. at
56. We should make
A. benefit
you to help those poor people.
B. with
C. of
D. to
of time-management tools to know what we need to do every day or
B. help
C. use
57. Whenever I have a difficult situation, I ask him because he often
A. carries out
58. The students decided to
B. comes up with C. gets around
folk clubs to preserve cultural
59. They started a campaign to
A. set up
A. encourage
B. set off
B. decrease
B. live
60. They are hoping to discover
A. living
61. My parents thought I didn't have the
B. deal with
C. set down
smoking among teenagers.
D. sure
the solutions easily.
D. gets into
heritage such as traditional
D. set out
D. prohibit
C. discourage
organisms in the soil.
C. life
confidence to
C. get around
A. carry out
62. If you are good at certain subjects and need a degree
the right choice for you.
A. focused on
63. It was
A. achieving
B. relied on
B. bringing
their parents' trust that took a long time.
C. checking
D. liveable
difficult situations.
D. write down
those subjects, the university is
C. related to
D. based on
D. earning
of planning what you
D. challenge
64. The most important thing to be independent is getting into the
do in a day, a month or a year.
A. habit
65. How to
A. waste
B. time
C. schedule
their money and time is what some people need to learn.
B. manage
C. keep
81. To broaden your knowledge, you should make a(n),
yourself to different ideas.
A. achievement
D. take
to read widely and
B. goal
66. Lan is always
A. reliable
67. He can be trusted to do the job well. He's a very
A. conservative
68. Because of the global
B. dependent
warming, we should
B. cut down
C. effort
She can make decisions quickly.
B. determined
D. skill
C. confident
C. responsible
D. decisive
D. talkative
on our energy use.
C. turn into
D. put off
subject at school.
B. liking
C. favourite
D. wanted
A. look down
69. Chemistry is my.
A. popular
70. They never have to ask their children to study hard because they are highly
A. self-motivated
B. self-confident
71After secondary school, he attended a
A. vocational school
A. chances
B. college
C. self-studying
to become a car
C. high school
72. The University of Oxford is one of the best academic
C. institutions
C. refused
73. Despite their financial difficulties, my parents
A. disagrees
74. Their son is
B. careers
B. approved
D. self-teaching
D. university
in the world.
D. companies
to pay for my university education.
D. managed
at home. He can cook, clean the house and do the laundry!
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