Gia Hân phạm | Chat Online
06/05 21:45:58

Use the words to write a sentence in the present continuous tense

Questions 28-32. Use the words to write a sentence in the present continuous tense.
Include a reason with "so" or "because". Don't change the order of the words. Use the
example as a guide.
Example: Conservationists/protect fish eagles/they're endangered
→ Conservationists are protecting fish eagles because they're endangered.
28. She/learn about sea turtles / she wants to work with them.
29. Lemur numbers/fall/they can't find food.
30.1/not come to class today / I'll see you tomorrow.
31. Zoe / wants to be a scientist / she study marine biology.
32. The planet / get more polluted/people don't recycle.
Questions 33-34. Answer these questions in your own words. Use the example as a guide.
Example: What is an important wild animal in your country?
→The eagle is an important wild animal in my country.
33. What is an important wild animal in your country?
34. Why is it important?
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