vu dũng | Chat Online
07/05/2024 17:32:50

Read the passage and write T (TRUE) or (F) FALSE for the statements

II. Read the passage and write T (TRUE) or (F) FALSE for the statements.
Asimo is the smartest robot in the world. It can jump, walk, climb stairs and even hop on one leg! Y
people say that Asimo is fantastic because it can help elderly people who cannot do the housewo
as cleaning or washing up. However, Asimo costs a lot, so not every old person can buy one. A
bad thought that we do not take enough care of the older generation and rely too much on tec
your family has an elderly member, like your grandma or grandpa, you can call them or vis
cup of tea. Robots can do many things, but they are not as caring and loving as we are.
1. In the world, no robot is smarter than Asimo.
2. Asimo can be a good home robot
3. Asimo is very cheap.
4. We should let technology take care of the old.
5. Robots can do caring and loving things.
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