Lê Phương Uyên | Chat Online
08/05 19:16:56

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
31°C Nhiều mây Ạ Ô về đi,
of dating is mostly
Dating may vary across the globe, yet as time passes, people develop (8)
customs, such as dating with the help of the Internet. Although this (9).
practised in the Western civilization, no one can tell for sure what other customs will emerge as the
world changes, and whether strict dating will come against some people's right of choosing whatever
partner they see (10)
for themselves.
1. A. success
B. qualities
C. advantages
D. drawbacks
2. A. alike
B. like
C. unlike
D. likely
3. A. arrangements
B. accounts
C. records
D. details
4. A. situation
B. time
C. development
D. opportunity
5. A. in
B. on
C. at
D. from
6. A. although
B. so
C. since
D. but
7. A. girlfriends
B. days
C. marriage
D. dates
8. A. new
B. interested
C. shocking
D. available
9. A. document
B. chance
C. form
D. arrangement
10. A. fit
B. ready
C. excited
D. interesting
and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
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