lisa | Chat Online
08/05 19:57:07

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
A. re'use
A. 'planet
A. 'symbol
B. ma'chine
B. 'channel
C. 'water
3. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, Car D (Chọn dáp án dúng)
poem. The poem is about 3Rs.
A. a
the dishes after dinner. A. cook B. wash C. help D. water
are over there! A. You
B. Her
C. the D. you
C. Yours
D. Your
animal lover. A. a B. the
C. be D. an
we will walk to the office. A. fast
B. late C. long D. punctual
1. I'm writing
2. Oh no, these are my pencils.
3. I usually
4. Victoria is
5.If the train is
A. Although
7. There will be
8. Please don't throw old books
many people are interested in living in New York, they cannot afford to live there.
B. Because C. If D. But
airport in my town next year. A. the B. a C. an
You can donate them to charity. A. away
D. be
B. off C. onto
D. into
ward which has CLOSEST meaning to the underlined word in the sentence (Tim từ dòn
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