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10/05/2024 20:22:53

Read the passage and fill in each blank with a word from the box

huhu sos
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
X. Read the passage and fill in each blank with a word from the box.
sustainable footprint impacts mass reduce communities beautiful booking
Many tourists are looking to travel to pristine and aesthetically pleasing locations to
.. Unfortunately, it is usually these environments
experience something new and (1).
To ensure these amazing
that are the most fragile and susceptible to outside (2)
regions are preserved for the future, travellers must do their part in their protection.
travel that benefits local communities,
Ecotourism operations promote (3)
culture, and heritage and minimise impacts on the environment. It is not driven by economic
gains but focuses on educating tourists on travelling green. Providing accommodation that
restricts (4) tourism in sensitive environments ensures that the natural regeneration
rate of the environmental asset is not compromised and ensures the longevity of the resource.
By opting for an ecotourism holiday over a conventional tourism package you are making
a conscious decision to (5)
your impact. This can be personally rewarding and
travellers who choose ecotourism are responsible consumers.
Ecotourists are seeking to minimize the carbon (6)
of their travel, travelling
with climate in mind by planning wisely and choosing consciously. They also seek to
experience authentic and educational tours that give them the opportunity to give back
to the (7)_
they visit. If you are a conscious traveller who shares these values,
an ecotour or staying in a ecolodge you
then become an ecotourist today! By (8)
will be surrounded by like-minded people, have access to well managed and pristine
environments and experience a truly unique holiday.
REVIEW 4-173
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