Vịt coconut_Ovo | Chat Online
10/05 20:29:38

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

giúp em với
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Is shorter / shortest than hers.
Exercise 3. Choose the correct answers.
This device is
A. cheap
in my house. It costs only 200$.
B. the cheapest
C. cheapest
D. cheaper
A. making
A. will cook
2. Robots are responsible for
3. If you are busy with your work, I
4. Robots are more and more
household chores.
B. make
C. doing
D. do
B. cook
C. am cooking
D. cooking
in our daily life.
C. popularity
D. popular than
A. popular
B. populared
5. April is.
A. the hotest
month of the year in southern Vietnam.
B. the hottest
C. hottest
D. hotter
6. Our life is much
the invention of robots.
A. casyer
7. Her flat is
B. the casier
C. casier
D. casiest
than any other house in the building.
A. old
B. older
C. oldder
D. the oldest
8. I don't like
the dishes, so does my sister.
A. do
B. make
C. doing
D. making
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