Vịt coconut_Ovo | Chat Online
10/05 20:30:39

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

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----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Bài tập bổ trợ & nâng cao tiếng Anh cho thai
9. Neptune is the
planet from the Earth.
A. farthest
B. farer
C. farest
D. the farthest
10. Robots can work..........................workers, or teachers to help humans.
B. like
C. same
D. as
robots can understand and speak more than 30 languages.
A. by
11. The..
A. smarttest
B. most smart
12. Stacy is the........................in the class.
B. cleverest
C. smartest
D. smarter
C. most clever
D. the cleverest
13. My sister is the ....................... of all sisters.
A. lightest
B. lighter
C. light
14. We use superlative adjectives for comparing...
A. two places, animals, people or things
B. three or more places, animals, people or things
C. differences between the two objects they modify
D. one thing with another
D. most light
15. To make make the superlative form of adjectives, we need to add.
A. -est
16. Choose the best option for the superlative of "dry".
A. driest
B. drier
17. Choose the best option for the superlative of "good".
D. best
C. the driest
D. the dryest
A. goodest
B. the best
C. the better
D. the goodest
18. She bought the
.............. cake in the bakery.
A. bigger
B. the more big
C. the most big
D. biggest
19. My car is the.................... . . . the garage.
A. new
20. This is the
B. newest
C. newwest
D. newer
song I've ever listened to.
A. bad
B. worse
C. baddest
D. worst
Exercise 4. Underline the mistakes and correct thems
1. My daughter always does the bed in the morning.
2. This task was easiest in the test.
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