lisa | Chat Online
10/05 22:41:08

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. I usually play football when I have
A. spare time
B. good time
2. In team sports. the two teams
C. no time
D. times
against each other in order to get the better score.
C. make
A. are
A. Do
B. do
draw on the walls and tables, please.
B. Don't
D. compete
C. Should
D. Shouldn't
. Nam plays sports very often, so he looks very...
A. sport
B. sports
C. sporty
D. sporting
. Last summer, I.
fishing with my uncle in the afternoon.
A. go
B. went
C. goes
D. going
Have you ever
to London?
A. be
B. being
C. been
D. gone
People in Tokyo are very polite __friendly.
C. but
D. so
A. or
B. and
Do you know
drink in Viet Nam?
C. more and more popular
B. more popular
D. the most popular
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