lisa | Chat Online
10/05 22:59:45

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
19. When we were in Stockholm, we had coffee and cakes
A. on-on
B. at - at
20. The Eiffel Tower is the most
a coffee shop the Old Town.
C. in - in
landmark in the world.
A. visit
B. visiting
C. visited
D. to visit
21. Super cars will
water in the future.
A. go by
22. The robot will
A. take care
B. run at
of the flowers in the garden.
B. take note
C. Fun on
D travel by
C. be careful
D. carry
A. send and post
pencils and
23. The house will have a super mart TV to the e-mails.
C. get and takeD. receive and get
A. By
25. We might have a
A. wireless
B. send and receive
rapper, every student will have a computer.
C. Instead of
B Instead
TV to watch TV programmes from space.
C. automatic
B. remote
A. newspaper
B. actor
26. My brother wants to become ato tell TV viewers what the weather is like.
A. people
can join in some game shows through telephone or by mail.
B. weatherman
are films by pictures, not real people and often for children.
C. Cartoons
A. Documentaries B. Love stories
teenagers on TV tonight?
Are there any good programs_
A. to
B. for
C. of
D. local
D. producer
D. viewers
D. Detective stories
D. with
My father works late tomorrow, so he will________________ the first part of the film on VTV1.
A miss
B lose
C foruct
D cut
C. weatherman
C. newsreaders
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