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11/05 16:10:48

Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Reading and Writing
Part 1
- 10 questions -
Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.
a butterfly; coffee; dinosaurs; insects; paper; salad; jam; silver;biscuits; flour; chocolate; an octopus; glass; whales; gold; chocolate
0.This food is usually brown. You can eator drink it.
1 You cook fruit with sugar to make this.You can eat it with bread and butter.
2 This is white or brown and you use it when you make cakes or pasta, for example.
3 Books and newspapers are made from this. It comes from wood.
4 These big animals lived a long time ago but now they are extinct.
5 This beautiful yellow metal is very expensive.
6 This animal lives in the sea and has got eight legs. Some people eat it.
7 Mirrors and windows are made from this. You can usually see through it and it is easy to break it.
8 You can make this with tomatoes, for example. You don't usually cook it.
9 These small animals have got six legs and some of them can fly.
10 Some people have these for a snack with a drink. They are called cookies in some places.
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