lisa | Chat Online
12/05 20:37:13

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
A. can
B must
11........... fruit does your father produce?
A. How much B. How many C. How long
in the morning.
12. We go to school at
D. How often
A. a quarter to seven B. seven to a quarter C. seven quarter D. a quarter seven to
13. There
a cupboard, a dishwasher and a table in the kitchen.
A. be
14. I'm playing table tennis.
15. There is an English examination
B. are
A. at
B. in
16. What time
C. is
you like table tennis? A. Have
Friday, 11th December.
C. to
D. am
B. Is C. Are
D. Do
D. on
D. does she comes
D. a
D. but
back? A. is she coming B. comes she C. she does come
news about their exams.
17. The students have got
A. many
18. The boy looks a little thin,
A. and
A. Marry/me
There isn't
B. some
C. any
he is strong.
B. for
C. or
would like to join the English Club speaking.
B. 1/ Marry
milk in the glass.
A. a Marry D. Marry/I
B. an
C. any
D. some
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