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12/05 20:41:20

Chọn đáp án đúng : If he ___ time, he'll join us..

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Acable car
10. If he
A. have
B. taxi
C. ferry
time, he'll join us.
B. has
11. The scenery at Fansipan peak is very_
C. to have
D. truck
D. will have
A. cool
B. new
C. expensive
D. magnificent
12. When did you decide to
a famous actor?
A. become
B. give
C. make
D. do
13. My dad
all the photos of mine.
A. made
B. collected
C. grew D. changed
14. Their grandma had blue_
_ and brown hair.
A. face
B. eyes
C. nose.
D. body
15. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others.
A. exciting
B. expensive
16. In my plans, I am going to
C. traveling to
C. sandals
A. travels to B. travel to
17. Don't forget to bring your
A. bat
B. sport shoes
C. restaurant D. attraction
D. to travel to
to climb a mountain.
D. goggles
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