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12/05 20:56:06

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

1. A.....
is an automated machine that can perform specific tasks with little or
even no human intervention.
A. appliance
B robot
C. device
D. machine
can cook, make tea or coffee, and clean our houses.
A. Doctor robots B. Space robots
Home robots
D. Worker robots
are located approximately 23.000 miles in space above the Earth. They
are built for astronauts to live and work in.
A. Airplanes
B. Aircrafts
4. When you are away on holiday, a robot can work as
A. a manager
B. a police
5. Teacher robots can teach children
A. because
6. Are robots the best
A. chance
Space stations
taking care of your
C. a worker
a guard
of human teachers.
B. instead
C. inspite
D. consist
for busy people?
B. choice
C. choose
D. choosing
7. Robots are intelligent enough to detect humans'
B. feel
C. express
can build buildings, bridges and roads.
A. feelings
A. Doctor robots B. Space robots
A. Worker
and respond quickly.
D. thinks
C. Home robots
D. Worker robots
robots can move around class, assist students with their studying.
B. Space
C. Teacher
D. Doctor
robots can look after sick people in hospitals with a future outbreak of
pandemics or diseases.
A. Doctor
B. Home
C. Vacuum
D. Security
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