Anh Phương | Chat Online
13/05 20:57:58

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. Tourists
interested in participating in wildlife activities if they.
A. will be-were made
C. would be - are made
2. If ecotourism
correctly, it
A. won't be implemented - lead
C. isn't implemented - can lead
3. Where would you definitely take me if I
A. came and visit
C. will come and visit
B. would be- were made
D. were-will make
to an uneven distribution of income.
B. wasn't implemented - will lead
D. wouldn't be implemented - led
you by bike?
B. come and visited
D. came and visited
precisely explained, the notion of ecotourism
the role of tourism
in nature conservation.
A. Unless will cloud
B. If would cloud
C. Unless
D. If
so polluting, why
on an ecotourism trip?
5. If my trip
A. were-would I go B. would be- I went
in ecotourism, they
6. Unless travel agents
motivation to promote it.
A. specialized-will lack
C. can specialize - lacked
C. was - I would go D. were-will I go
the product knowledge and
B. specialize
would lack
D. specialize will lack
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