May Dien | Chat Online
14/05 20:44:48

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

1. Walter (go) ___________ to school last week.

2. Why you always (sleep) ___________ in front of the TV?

3. What you (do) ___________ next year?

4. We (not/celebrate) ___________ our anniversary in 2050.

5. Tom (stay) ___________ at home on Mondays.

6. Where you often (sit) ___________?

7. How much money your father (earn) ___________ every month?

8. Yesterday we (not/watch) ___________ birds.

9. Where (be) ___________ you two days ago?

10.  Who (stand) ___________ behind the curtains last night?

11. They rarely, (buy) ___________ some milk in the supermarket.

12. When you (meet) ___________ your best friend the last time?

13. My classmate always (read) ___________ books.

14. I (take) ___________ you to the zoo tomorrow.

15. Why (be) ___________ you here now?

16. I (not/hear) ___________ you because I was listening to music.

17. We (clean) ___________ your apartment after you had had a party there.

18. We (visit) ___________ our grandparents next weekend.

19. My sister (water) ___________ the plants every day.

20. In the evenings my parents (not/play) ___________ cards.


20.      They ___________ (WILL work) harder next year.

21.   The teacher ___________ (mark) our tests at the moment.

22.   People often ___________ (have) massage.

23.   We ___________ (rest) in the mountains last winter.

24.   Look! Somebody ___________ (wait) for you.

25.   She ___________ (travel) abroad in summers.

26.   We ___________ (go) on an excursion abroad next spring.

27.   They ___________ (see) that film 3 days ago.

28.   Listen! Mary ___________ (play) the piano.

29.   My mother ___________ (take) the dog out every morning.

30.      They ___________ (go) abroad in 2020.


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