Vũ Kim Ngân | Chat Online
23/05 21:15:27

Rearrange the words or phrases to have complete sentences of a postcard

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
em ten
Exercise 1, Rearrange the words or phrases to have complete sentences of a postcard.
Dear Ann,
1. We're/time/ great/here/ having/a/ in Cambodia/!
2. The/lovely/weather/is/.
3. The/good/is/food/.
4. local/friendly/The/ are/people/.
5. Yesterday/we/ Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom/ visited/.
6. fabulous/ They're/so/!
7. Send/ to mum and dad/ our love/.
With love,
Ho and Phong
Exercise 2. Use the information in Exercise 1 to answer the following questions in complete
1. Where are Ha and Phong?
2. Do they like the weather and the food? Why?
3. What do Hq and Phong think about the local people?
4. What place did Ha and Phong visit yesterday?
5. How do they feel about it/them?
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