Vũ Kim Ngân | Chat Online
23/05 21:38:31

Put the words in brackets into the correct forms to complete the sentences

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 5. Put the words in brackets into the correct forms to complete the sentences.
1. Tom is working as an
to Professor Brown. (assist)
2. Read the user's manual carefully, it will give you a lot of useful
3. I didn't sleep very well that night and got a terrible headache the
4. What's the
5. This knife is
time of your flight? (depart)
6. He was a talented
It can't cut anything. (use)
He created many great buildings in big cities. (design)
7. Few people want to eat that restaurant because of the
garbage dump nearby. (please)
8. Ben Thanh Market is one of the most famous
9. My father has a good,
smell from the
of Ho Chi Minh City. (symbol
landmarks in Ha Noi.
of Vietnamese history. (know)
10. Hoan Kiem Place is regarded as one of the
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