Nguyễn Nghĩa | Chat Online
29/05 18:25:08

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

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SHub Classroom
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z Người dự thính Sau – Zoo
Namibia is in Southern Western Africa. It's a country of desert and sand, with a long
coast on the South Atlantic Ocean. The Namib Desert, which, at 80 million years old,
is the (27).................. ancient desert on the whole planet, is also home to the highest
sand hill in the world, known (28) a dune.
The name 'Namib' translates as 'vast place', or in (29)...................words, a huge area. This is an accurate
description of this desert region (30)................... is one of the least crowded places on the planet. Only
Greenland, the Falkland Islands, Mongolia and the Western Sahara have fewer people for (31)...................
square kilometre.

And in this huge empty area of Southern Africa lives the fastest land animal on the planet, the cheetah.
As home to the world's largest population of wild and completely free cheetahs, it is hardly surprising
Namibia is turning into a popular tourist destination.
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