Nhóc đáng yêu | Chat Online
11/06 14:34:28

. I'm not too tired to walk home, I think I'll take a taxi

1. I'm not too tired to walk home, I think I'll take a taxi.

2. "It's cold in this room." "Is it? ........ on the heating then."

3. A: We haven't got any milk. B: Oh, I forgot to buy some, ...... and get some now.

4. "Shall I do the washing up ?" "No, it's all right ..... it later"

5. "I don't know how to use this computer." "Ok, ..... you."

6. "Would you like tea or coffee?" "..... coffee, please."

7. "Goodbye! Have a nice holiday." "Thanks, ..... you a postcard."

8. Thanks for letting me borrow your camera ..... it back to you on Monday, OK?

9. "Are you coming with us?" "No I think ..... here."

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