Thu Thảo Nguyễn | Chat Online
11/06 16:02:36

Complete the passage with the verbs in past simple or past continuous

Exercise 4: Complete the passage with the verbs in past simple or past
In my last holiday, I went to Hawaii. When I (go) 1.
to the beach for the
in the sea while my
first time, something wonderful happened. I (swim) 2.....
mother was sleeping in the sun. My brother was building a castle and my father (drink)
some water. Suddenly I (see) 4.....
a boy on the
beach. His eyes were blue like the water in the sea and his hair (be) 5...
beautiful black. He was very tall and thin and his face was brown. My heart (beat)
... fast. I (ask) 7....
shy voice. He (tell) 8...
him for his name with a
me that his name was John. He (stay)
with me the whole afternoon. In the evening, we met again. We
ate pizza in a restaurant. The following days we (have) 10....
.... a lot
of fun together. At the end of my holidays when I left Hawaii I said good-bye to John. We
had tears in our eyes. He wrote to me a letter very soon and I answered him.
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