ღKhánh Linhღ | Chat Online
16/06 09:31:19

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in the future simple tense

I . Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in the future simple tense .
not go come back win recycle not have do not use buy go out be 1. They _______ home tommorrow .
2. I think our team ________ the match.
3. Maybe she ________ a household robot next week . She loves it so much.
4.I hope that there _______ fewer cars and motorbikes in our city.
5.Maybe we _________tonight to watch a film.
6.We _____ to school by bus tomorrow .
7 .I ________ a television in my future house. I don't like watching TV .
8.We hope that our students _________ plastic bottles.
9. I think we ________these glasses to make new products.
10. Our robot________ the washing for us.
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