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16/06 19:48:53

Write full sentences on the answer sheet

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
6. What is the length and the height of Victoria Falls?..
7. How far can the noise of Victoria Fall be heard?.
8. How far can we see the spray and mist?...
9. What do the local tribes used to call Victoria Falls?.
Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences. Write full sentences on the answer sheet.
D. must/bed/ Children/ early go to/ a good health/ to have.
.loves/ watching TV./ best friend/My/
My best friend loves watching I
2. at 7:00/1/school/ went/ yesterday. /to/
3. your mother/to/ How often/go/ the supermarket? / does/
4. interesting/ Hip hop/ as/is/ Pop. / as
5. his friends. / Nam/when/ a lot/ he/ talks/meets/
6. intelligent/his/ Peter/than/more/ classmates/is
7. better/ old/new/ than/ This /one/car/the/ is.
Finish each of the following sentences so that it has the same meaning as the sentence printed before
8. Let's help poor children in our village. -
big library.
How about
There is
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