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22/06 16:37:15

Choose the correct answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Question 30: There was a(n).
A. bang
against the College's new syllabuses.
B. scream
Question 31: The tutorial system at Oxford and Cambridge is the
A. jealousy
B. envy
of many universities.
C. outcry
Question 32: Alice was not sure which profession to enter, but finally
C. accepted
B. chose
for all levels of ability.
B. cater
Question 33: Comprehensive schools
A. opted
A. cope
C. look
for medicine.
Question 34: All courses at the college are offered on a full-time basis unless
A. further
B. differently
C. below
Question 35: If you want to attend a course, you should study the college
A. program
B. prospects
Question 36: The student failed to meet the necessary.
A. fulfilments
B. aptitudes
Question 37: Secondary schools offer a wide,
C. prospectus
D. whistle
D. sorrow
D. selected
D. watch
D. otherwise
for full particulars of enrolment.
D. syllabus
for admission to the course.
of subjects.
C. qualities
C. list
D. requirements
D. type
ecourse vin
A. field
B. range
Question 38: We can't admit a person who hasn't
A. settled
B. assessed
Question 39: Please leave this space
A. blank
Question 40: Please
A. return
Question 41: Only a
A. little
B. absent
the required number of points at the entrance examination.
C. scored
on the enrolment form.
C. missing
a copy of your application form for at least six months.
B. retain
of students attend those classes.
B. group
Question 42: If you don't pay the fee now, you risk
B. of losing
Question 43: Jane was pleased that she had been accepted by a(n).
C. magnanimous
D. qualified
D. undone
C. revise
D. refer
C. band
D. handful
A. losing
your place on the course.
C. to lose
D. lose
A. infamous
B. recognizable
D. prestigious
Question 44: The university might accept you, of your disappointing exam results.
A. irrespective
B. pending
C. expectant
D. dependent
Question 45: Have you written off to the College for a copy of their
A. program
B. catalogue
C. pamphlet
D. prospectus
Question 46: Complete the form as
in the notes below.
Question 47: Turn to page 24 to find out at a¸
A. specified
A. look
Question 48: Tony has been,
A. appointed
Question 49: James wanted to be a doctor but he didn't make the
A. result
Question 50: Mark was
A. suggested
B. grade
that he should apply for a university place.
B. devised
C. implied
D. insisted
B. glance
which courses are available to you.
C. stare
D. glimpse
at Manchester University.
B. promoted
C. accepted
D. passed
C. mark
D. pass
Thay Hiệp
B. advised
C. recommended
S Đ T : 0 9 0 6 1 1 5 171
D. explained
Page 2 a
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