tran lan | Chat Online
22/06 22:41:32

Chia dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
10. Don
Ex 9
1.1(1.not see)
2. Would you like (2.drink)
3. She hates (3.invite)...
..John since we left school.
4. When the phone rang, she (4.listen)
5. She (
6. When he phoned me, I (6. leave)
7. He asked me what she (7. do)..
8. He gave up (8. smoke)
9. He (
a cup
of coffee?
to outdoor parties.
No, thanks.
to music.
my house.
.in a house in the country.
..... two years ago.. experienced salesman before he decided to set up his own
in the future?
10. Which roles are women expected (
Ex 10
1.1( spend).
2. What you (do).
3. Lan hates (ask)
...a lot of time traveling since I ( get).
if you (be).... do anything strange by others.
there on foot.
this new joi my situation?
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