tran lan | Chat Online
22/06 22:46:25

Chia dạng đúng của từ

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
9. He (
an experie
10. Which roles are women expected (
Ex 10
1.1( spend)......
2. What you (do)..
3. Lan hates (ask)..
4. I suggest (go)..........
... in the future?
..a lot of time traveling since I ( get)....
if you (be).........
.....this new job. my situation? do anything strange by others.
there on foot. for 10 years.
..dinner together.
5. I was taking a shower when the telephone (ring)..
6. Mr.Pick is the bank manager. He (be).............
7. We were all looking forward to (have)..
8. By this time next week, the winners of the English speaking contest (receive)..
Ex 11
1. Look! The plane...
2. She said that she
3. Both Minh and Nga are interested in..
4. When we...
5. The customs officer asked me
6. It isn't warm today. I wish it (be)
7. Mai
8. They suggest that we
9. That old house (repaint)..
(fly) toward the airport. It is going to land.
..(go) to Hue the next day.
..(listen) to music.
(watch) TV yesterday, the light went out.
(open) my bag.
..(work) in Bach Mai hospital for 20 years.
10. Peter as well as his brothers (go).....
Ex 17
(protect) our environment.
last year.
to the cinema very often.
..their awards.
from the garden?
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