Thi Thảo Ng | Chat Online
23/06 05:03:33

Reorder the given words and phrases to make meaningful sentences

VIII. Reorder the given words and phrases to make meaningful sentences. (1.0 point)
1. their lessons/ The students/ in the class./ are studying/
2. is not/ My mother/ rooms now./ cleaning the/
3. garden with/Are you/ trees in the/ your father?/ planting some/
4. they spending/ Where are/ this Sunday?/ their summer holiday/
5. a picture/ Nam's sister/ about flowers./ is drawing/
6. playing games/ I am not/ my brother./ online like/
7. parents with/ Is Peter/ the housework?/ helping his/
8. you doing/ What are/ from 7.30 am/ every day?/ to 9.00 am/
9. to work in/ Is your uncle/ the morning?/ driving his car/
10. not living/ We are/ in a flat/ at present./ in the city/
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