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23/06 21:06:45

Choose the correct answer

201. After her husband’s tragic death, she _______ up his position at the Sorbonne
A. got                          B. received                              C. took                                    D. accepted
202. The train ________ by the time I ________ at the station yesterday
A. had already left. had arrived                                  B. already left. had arrived
C. had already left. arrived                                         D. was already leaving. arrived
203. he died on march 20, 1772 and ________ in Westminster Abby
A. has buried               B. buried                                 C. was buried                          D. had buried
204. We didn’t go to the cinema last night because we ______that film before
A. already see             B. already saw                                    C. had already seen                 D. has already seen
205. He _________ ill for a long time before he _______ last year
A. was. died                B. had been. died                    C. had been. had died D. was. had died
206. By the time he arrived at the party, all his classmates ________
A. has left                   B. left                                      C. had left                               D. was leaving
207. Oh no! I don’t believe it! My purse________!
A. is stolen                  B. is being stolen                     C. was stolen                           D. has been stolen
208. Don’t bother Tom. He________on the phone right now.
A. talks                        B. is talking                             C. has talked                           D. talked
209. In the past the trip _______ very rough and often dangerous, but things _______ a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years.
A. was . have changed B. is . change                         C. had been . will change        D. has been . changed
210. He _________ ill for a long time before he _______ last year
A. was. died                B. had been. died                    C. had been. had died             D. was. had died
211. I _____________the lesson now.
A. am understanding  B. will understand                  C. understand                         D. has understood
212. Columbus __________ America in 1492.
A. discovered              B. has discovered                    C. was discovering                  D. had discovered
213. I think it __________ tomorrow.
A. has rained               B. will rain                              C. is raining                             D. will have rained
214. Jane __________Vietnamese before she went to Vietnam.
A. has studied             B. was studied                                    C. studies                                D.  had studied
215.This time tomorrow we_____________ football.
A. will play                 B. are going to play                 C. will be playing                    D. will be played
216. I __________ to see him after I had heard the news.
A. had hurried             B. was hurrying                       C. would hurry                        D. hurried
217. We __________ her for nearly two weeks.
A. haven’t seen           B. didn’t see                           C. don’t see                             D. hadn’t seen
218. I shall stay here until you __________ your homework.
A. will finish               B. will have finished               C. have finished                      D. are finishing
219. The teacher explained that oil ___________ on water.
A. floats                      B. floated                                C. is floating                           D. had floated
220.  She __________ absent from class in the last few days.
A. was                         B. had been                             C. is                                         D. has been
221. My cousin __________ me every summer.
A. has visited              B. visits                                   C. is visiting                            D. will visit
222. This is the second time he __________ a glass.
A. breaks                     B. broke                                  C. has broken                          D. will break
223. They __________ for three months by the time they take their examination.
A. will study               B. study                                  C. will have studied                D. studied
224. Mr.  Green __________ medicine here since 1970
A. has practiced          B. had been practicing                        C. practiced                             D. a & b are correct
225. She said that she __________ for France next week.
A. will leave                B. had left                               C. would leave                        D. would have left
226. This is one of the most interesting books I __________
A. have ever read        B. have never read                  C. had read                             D. will never read
227. It __________ very hard when I got up this morning.
A. rained                     B. was raining                         C. had rained                          D. would rain
228. George has been in business since he __________college.
A. has finished            B. had finished                       C. finished                              D. finishes
229. They __________ at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.
A. will learn                B. are arriving                         C. will be learning                   D. will have learned
230. I __________ home when he telephoned last night
A. have just left          B. just be leaving                    C. had just left                                    D. am leaving
231. Students __________ the regulations of their schools
A. should obey            B. will obey                             C. would obey                                    D. will have obeyed
232. The child __________ computer games when I came
A. had played             B. was playing                                    C. is playing                            D. has played
233. Where __________ since Christmas?
A. were you                B. are you                                C. are you being                      D. have you been
234. I __________ the bell three times before he answered the door.
A. had rung                 B. have rung                            C. was ringing                         D. would ring
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