Tokito Muichiro | Chat Online
23/06 21:45:14

Complete each sentence. Use the verb and frequency adverb in brackets

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
yanom lotols
(205) slid zinT8
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Complete each sentence. Use the verb and frequency adverb in brackets.

1 Tina (sometimes, miss)....sometimes misses... the bus to school. Aym \aris \n \rijom.s
21 (never, get up)
3 We (usually, take)
4 Jim and Helen (often, go)
51 (often, sing).
6 Pat (sometimes, play)
7 You (never, finish)
8 Our teacher (always, wear)
before 6.00.

a holiday in August. 9w \nsflo e sono \069b.E
to the theatre.
in the shower.\W \101 \gob \lsw \nsilo \iw \og 16 A
football on Sunday.
your homework! smitsmoz (art) 191aiz animom
a tie.
Complete each sentence. Put the words in brackets into the correct order.
1 Our (walk, not, teacher, does)
2 Where (Helen, live, does)
3 (do, not, go, we)
4 (David, does, ride).
5 (play, do, you)
6 Kate (like, does, not)
71 (lunch, usually, have)
to school.
to the cinema on Friday.
a bike?
football after school?
at 1.30.
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