Nguyễn Vũ Bảo Lâm | Chat Online
25/06 21:21:03

Chia dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 05:
1. I'll resign if you continue to
2. She is very efficient and
3. His busy schedule made him completely
4. Various
everything I say. (regard)
polite to the customers. (fail)
to his students. (access)
by police officers were brought to light by the enquiry. (practice)
5. He works for UNESCO in a purely
6. There was a sudden
Prize. (burst)
7. Great applause was given to the referee's
8. They won the case because of the_
9. As a result of her
10. Tom spoke
role. (advice)
of clapping and cheering as h rose to receive the Nobel Peace
of the defendant. (appear)
Ethel has strong sense of the difference between right and wrong.
because he was so excited. (breath)
Thay Hip
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