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01/07 21:08:54

Fill in the blank with a suitable word

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Fill in the blank with a suitable word.
My best friend is called Katie. She's thirteen
We see each other a (2) ...
een years old and she's tall (1) .....
BT-Updatepower - Week 3 (6TT3) June 2024
blue eyes and long dark hair.
although she goes to a different school. She lives in the (3).
street as me, so I often go to her flat after school. We like talking (4) .................. music, films and clothes.
Katie is intelligent, artistic and talented. She's very good (5). ............ maths, art and music. She loves drawing,
painting and photography. At the moment, she is painting trees and flowers on the walls of her room. I enjoy
spending (6)..... _ with her because she's very funny. Katie is sociable too. She's got lots of friends (7)
hoa động
..... she's fun and energetic, and she's very generous with her time. (8)..
with my maths, she helps me
mãnh liệt
then than
Of course Katie isn't an angel, so (9) ....
spiders, (10)
I have a problem
hào phóng
thuic te
are some negative things about her. She's a real baby about
phủ định
........... she never wants to go camping. And she sometimes gets jealous when I win at table
tennis, although she's only angry for three minutes!
ghen tị
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