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12/07/2024 16:39:34

Choose the correct options to complete the conversations

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
7 Choose the correct options to complete the
1 A: Do you want a / some milk?
B: Yes please, but just a few/ a little.
2 A: What are you looking for?
B: I want to find a / some information about
this job.
3 A: How much / many children are in the
B: I don't know exactly, but there are lots of /
much of them!
4 A: Did you buy a / some present for your
B: Yes, I bought her an / some Italian bag.
5 A: Can you get a little / a kilo of tomatoes from
the supermarket?
B: No problem. I'll get a / some bread as well.
6 A: Do you want a / some advice from me?
B: Not really, thanks.
7 A: My dad's just bought a / some very expensive
camera equipment.
B: Cool. Do you think he'll let you borrow it?
8 A: What did you get for your birthday?
B: I got a /some delicious chocolate and a/ some
great book.
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