htt vs ntd | Chat Online
23/07/2024 20:58:43

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences

B. have
B. having
cards with me?
B. come
11. Listening to music is one of the most popular leisure
A. kindergarten
12. My son is just 2 years old and he is in
III. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. I sometimes
A. go
2. John
A. feel
A. study
4. She
A. study
5. She is
A. having
6. I always
A. have
to the cinema.
B. goes
much better now.
B. feels
B. have
football every weekend.
English at the moment.
B. is studying
hard for her A levels.
B. playing
a cooked breakfast.
B. do
to be an architect.
B. studies
a one-hour lunch break.
7. She
A. study
8. I
A. play
9. I'm
A. playing
10. Do you want to
A. play
physics, biology and chemistry.
D. miracle
C. going
D. to go
C. feeling
D. is feeling
C. play
D. do
C. studies
D. studying
C. studying
D. doing
C. play
D. study
C. studying
D. is studying
C. do
D. study
C. doing
D. going
C. have
D. learn
B. activities
C. hobby
D. equipmen
A. kindergarten
13. I don't like to
B. secondary school
C. overseas
D. high sch
money from friends.
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