Mộc Tử Tinh | Chat Online
26/07/2024 17:47:16

Chọn đáp án đúng

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
22. When ____________ English?
A. has he begun to study
B. has he begun study
C. did he begin to study
D. did he begin study

23. Brenda likes going to the theatre and ____________.
A. so do I
B. so go I
C. so I like
D. so I am

24. He’s a good guitarist, but he plays the piano ____________.
A. more well
B. too hardly
C. very good
D. much better

25. The airport is five miles ____________.
A. away from here
B. from here away
C. far from here
D. far away from here

26. Aren’t they friends ____________?
A. of yours
B. of you
C. to yours
D. to you

27. Anyone who ____________ his work cannot go.
A. don’t finish
B. is not finishing
C. has not finished
D. will not finish

28. My house looks old. I’m going to ____________.
A. have it paint
B. have it painted it
C. have it painted
D. have it painting

29. I can carry only two of these four boxes. Please carry ____________.
A. another
B. the other
C. the others
D. others

30. They are ____________ flowers.
A. sweet-smell
B. sweet-smelled
C. sweet-smelling
D. smelling-sweet
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