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05/08/2024 10:40:48

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
III. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. This is good coffee; _______ it's made locally.
A. but B. besides C. therefore D. and
2. The cinema tickets were sold out, _______ we couldn't watch the movie.
A. or B. so C. otherwise D. for
3. Chemistry is such a difficult subject; _______ I enjoy learning it.
A. nevertheless B. moreover C. yet D. for
4. She owned a motorbike, _______ she didn't know how to drive it.
A. however B. nevertheless C. so D. yet
5. I could not find my pencil _______ it was covered by the books.
A. because B. and C. but D. although
6. _______ students do not know how to start the experiment, the teacher will give step-by-step instructions.
A. But B. If C. Unless D. And
7. I’ll have a week in Da Nang, _______ I’ll go to Hoi An for three days.
A. or B. otherwise C. however D. but
8. I was tired from doing homework late, _______ I had to finish it anyway.
A. however B. moreover C. but D. so
9. I kept in mind that I would try my best, _______ I didn't study enough.
A. nor B. for C. but D. and
10. They had a quarrel; _______ they are friends again now.
A. and B. yet C. or D. however
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