10/08/2024 09:48:48

For questions 46-55, fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided

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Part 1: For questions 46-55, fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (10 pts)

In most art museums, the paintings on the wall just look flat, but sometimes visitors come across an image that appears to be three-dimensional. The artist has cleverly used colors, lines, and shading to give the painting some depth, making it more (46) ______. The artistic technique of creating three-dimensional images of something on a flat surface is called trompe l'oeil, a French phrase (47) ______ trick the eye. Today, some artists are adapting the idea of tricking the eye to make things become invisible. A new (48) ______ for this is camouflage art. In nature, there are major benefits to using camouflage to blend (49) ______ with the surroundings. Becoming invisible, or at (50) ______, being harder to see on the ground or in a tree, allows insects and animals to hide from things that might eat them. It also allows them to get close (51) ______ to surprise other insects or smaller animals that they want to catch and eat. Artists are not hiding or preparing to attack. (52) ______ they are using the idea of camouflage to make urban spaces look nicer or to make statements with their art. Sometimes they just do it for fun. Artists can make these things more interesting and in some cases make them (53) ______ visible. In many urban areas, large buildings have been painted with amazing murals that trick our eyes. Thus, ordinary brick walls are transformed into interesting (54) ______ of art. Temporary walls put up to keep people out of a (55) ______ site can be painted like the finished building to camouflage the site.
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