Sabishii Neko | Chat Online
10/08/2024 17:32:43

Choose the correct answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
25. She decided to raise some __________ on her farm, such as chickens, ducks and turkeys.
A. poultry B. pets C. herds D. cattle

26. The little boy tiptoed into the barn __________.
A. quieter B. more quietly C. as quietly D. quiet

27. We __________ fruits in the orchard and made jam and pies with them.
A. unloaded B. picked C. climbed D. ploughed

28. His brother has to __________ fish from the river and grill them over a fire.
A. go B. harvest C. hold D. catch

29. The sun rose __________ than usual over the green hills and fields.
A. earlier B. more early C. most early D. early

30. Her hope village is __________ by hills and forests, creating a natural barrier from the outside world.
A. surrounded B. surrounding C. surrounds D. a surround

We need some __________ farmers who can grow delicious and healthy fruits and vegetables for our farm.
A. well-done B. well-known C. well-trained D. well-fed

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