Lee Thtruc | Chat Online
12/08/2024 07:09:55

Nowadays, there is estimated to be more than 2000 acupoints throughout the human body

1. Nowadays, there is estimated to be more than 2000 acupoints throughout the human body

A. stress                                 B.pressure points                 C. paints                               D. lines

2. Do you know what the saying “ kick a habit ” means ?

A. Wow, She has a good habit                            B. I think it has the same meaning to getting rid of a habit

C. I don’t mean that                                             D. Are you kidding ?

3. I have been given 10 tricks to get rid of my bad habits and ............. them with healthy ones.

A. replace                               B.keep                                  C. nurture                             D. raise

4. The digestive system lets us break down the food we eat and turn it .............. energy.

A. on                                      B.after                                  C. of                                     D. into

5. “The lecturer splits the   4 groups” has the closest meaning to

A. The students are divided into 4 groups                 B. The lecturer divided the students into 4 groups

C. The lecturer is split  into 4 groups of students     D. The lecturer went  into 4 groups of students

6. In the past, it was misunderstand that inner body parts were ............ by the fine needles in practicing acupuncture.

A. touch                                 B.rush                                   C. touched                            D. rushed

7. The ............... system controls the movement and emotion of our body.

A. nerve                                 B.nervous                             C. circulate                           D. generous

8. The heart and blood vessels are parts of the .................. system.

A.certan                                 B.circle                                 C. circulatory                        D. circumstance

9. Only human produce ......................... tears

A.emotional                           B.crocodile                           C. feel                                   D. false

10. To be recognized, this research must offer real evidence. The underlined word has the closest meaning to:

A.knowledge                         B.exist                                  C. condition                         D. proof
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