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12/08/2024 20:20:27

Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud.

1.  A. yellow              B. brow                     C. throw                    D. know

2.  A. follow              B.cow                        C. town                     D. how

3.  A. find                  B. singer                    C. high                      D. mine

4.  A. money              B. wonderful             C. long                      D. come

5.  A. honest              B. hold                      C. house                    D. height

6.  A. fact                  B. calm                      C. rapid                     D. action

7.  A. natural             B. glass                     C. happy                    D. factory

8.  A. land                 B. traffic                    C. plastic                   D. plant

9.  A. dark                 B. father                    C. car                        D. castle

10. A. garden              B. garage                   C. bath                      D. car



III. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence or replace the underlined word.

1.  How many windows             in your class?

     A. are there           B. there are           C. there isn’t         D. there aren’t

2.  They often play soccer in the                   .

     A. school gate       B. schoolyard       C. schoolmate       D. schoolwork

3.  Which word has three syllables?

     A. table                 B. telephone         C. window            D. bench

4.  Those                pens and pencils.

     A. is                      B. are                    C. has                   D. have

5.                meadows on the way.

     A.There is             B.There are           C. There has         D. There have

6.  Is this your favorite class?            

     A. Yes, this is.       B. No, there isn’t  C. Yes, I think so. D. No, it doesn’t.

7.  There are five people in                 family.

     A. they                 B. their                 C. them                 D. theirs

8.  Tell me something               your family.

     A. about               B. Φ                      C. over                 D. on

9.  Go and             a bath!

     A. wash                B. make                C. do                    D. have

10. Close the door           ; it’s cold in here.

     A. Φ                     B. up                    C. to                     D. have

11. My house is opposite            the park.

     A. from                 B. of                     C. Φ                      D. to

12. Which word has four syllables?

     A. literature          B. chemistry         C. history             D. physics

13. How                  money do you want?

     A. many               B. much                C. little                 D. a lot of

14.               do they work? - They work in a big hospital.

     A. Who                 B. When               C. What                D. Where

15. What are those?                    CDs.

     A. This is              B. These are          C. They are           D. That is

16. What’s the date today ? - It is                   June.

     A. twelve              B. twelfth             C. twelve of          D. the twelfth of

17. How many windows are there in your house? -             six.

     A. There is            B.There are           C.Therehas           D. There have

18.               is Phong ? - He’s in the living room.

     A. When               B. Where              C.Who                  D. What

19. Which verb adds “es” in the third person?

     A. go                    B. write                C.sleep                 D. tell

20.               a clock in your room?

     A. Are there          B. Is there             C.Have there         D. Has there

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